The Poultons

The Poulton Project



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Poulton Family Trees:-

Most of the following web pages were made by Family Tree Software using GEDCOM files.

I think GEDCOM stands for GEnealogical Data COMmunication, but I can't be sure. Anyway, as far as I know all Family History computer programs are essentially databases that display the same genealogical information in different ways. Behind all of these programs use a common format called GEDCOM, and so information input to one program can be used in another. If you use a program to store your family information there will be a routine to EXPORT the GEDCOM, probably somewhere in the FILE drop down menu. If you get a choice you should EXPORT GEDCOM 5.5 or less to somewhere in MyDocuments, then attached that GEDCOM file to an Email and send it to me....

If you don't use a computer to store your data then we have a problem. If you'd like to use a program then the www.legacy family tree website has an excellent piece of free downloadable software. Just register and download the Basic program. The Deluxe version costs $34.95, but is not necessary.

William Poulton - Buckinghamshire
Henry Poulton - Wiltshire
Thomas Poulton - Bucks Co, PA
Silvester Poulton - Cookham, Berkshire
The Poultons of Desborough {pdf file download}
The Pultons of Newent {pdf file download}
Thomas Poulton of Witney, Oxon {pdf file download}
John Pooten of Wombourne & Trysull, Staffordshire
Richard Poulton of Wombourne, Staffordshire
Link to Anyone Else's Family